About This Project

Juki 5410 Hawbuck Camp.png

My goal is for Hawbuck to offer the best Dyneema wallets one can buy. I aim to offer the best Dyneema wallets through my dedication to frugal design and careful manufacturing.

Hawbuck started with a problem that I had, I couldn’t find the wallet I wanted. So, I made it, then improved it. I made some for friends, then started selling some. r/Ultralight community on reddit and folks on the backpacking light forums have been great boosters-- they’ve provided encouragement, feedback and ideas for new designs.

About The Material

If you made it to this site, there's a good chance you are already familiar with Dyneema Composite Fabric (DCF).

If you aren't, in short-- Dyneema Composite Fabric is a super strong, ultralight and expensive class of materials.

More specifically, this is a class of materials that are laminated, that utilize ultra strong UHMPE fibers (Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene) in a matrix, bonded in layers of PET, Polyester film. For my wallets, I use Dyneema Composite Fabric Hybrid, the Hybrid denoting the fact that the laminate includes a 50d woven Polyester face cloth. This face cloth aids in abrasion resistance and ads a nice tactile feedback. I described this from memory, for a more accurate and comprehensive overview of the material, backpackinglight.com recently did a great podcast on the subject. This podcast includes some great info from Wes Hatcher from Cubic Tech, makers of DCF material. You can find that podcast here. 





2723 West Prindiville Street
Chicago, IL, 60647
United States